January 2025: EQ Assessment Roundup
This month we highlight assessments that focus on EQ.

Based on the Hogan Personality Inventory and Hogan Development Survey, Hogan’s EQ report assesses six emotional competencies to provide an overview of a person’s emotional intelligence. Designed to highlight emotional strengths and weaknesses, the EQ report predicts behavioral outcomes that are relevant to organizations of all types and sizes.

Emotional Quotient-Inventory® 2.0

The Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0® (EQ-i® 2.0) measures an individual’s emotional intelligence. This second generation assessment uses a new, intuitive model that helps people gain a deeper understanding of how their results affect their workplace performance and offer customized ways to improve based on their results.

By combining the personalized insights of DiSC® with active emotional intelligence, Everything DiSC® Agile EQ teaches participants to read the emotional and interpersonal requirements of a situation and respond quickly and appropriately. Participants discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions, recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally, and learn how to meet the demands of any situation with agility.

For report samples and pricing, click here.